USD 11.54

This grip tok contains the happiness of Banggri & Friends!

[Product Guide]

It is attached to the back of the smartphone so that you can hold the smartphone in a more stable and comfortable position, and it supports wider use of the touch range.

[Product Details]
1. It has a horizontal function, so you can easily stand it on the table.
2. You can adjust the steps according to your circumstances. 

3. It offers a stable feeling of grip.
4. It comes with a special case which is also good as a gift.

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Company Name: STUDIO ORIGIN Corp. | Owner: Hang Soo Jo | Personal Info Manager: Seung Yun Park | Phone Number: 070-7788-2580 | Email:

Address: 10F, 458, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Business Registration Number: 882-87-01722 | Business License: 제2020-서울강남-02585호 | 

©STUDIO ORIGIN. All rights reserved.

Company Name: STUDIO ORIGIN Corp. 

| Owner: Hang Soo Jo 

| Personal Info Manager: Kenneth Lee | Phone Number: 

070-7788-2580 | Email:

Address: 10F, 458, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Business Registration Number: 882-87-01722 | Business License: 제2020-서울강남-02585호 | 

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